Fee Assistance/Funding
You can now find a straightforward explanation of all government childcare support on the new Childcare Choices website: www.childcarechoices.gov.uk.
Childcare Choices brings all the government childcare offers together for the first time, providing a simple way of seeing which schemes are available, with easy next steps to where you can find out more.
Using the website's Childcare Calculator, you can quickly find out which of the offers are available to you and choose what works best for your family: www.gov.uk/childcare-calculator.
Fees and Charges summary
The following families may be entitled to 15 or 30 hours funded deduction from their nursery bill
(a) Who are 2 years old and who have been approved for ‘Funding for 2 year deprivation grant’
(b) Who have achieved their third birthday and are eligible for their Free Entitlement (FE), at either 15hrs or 30hrs
(c) Working families of 2 years olds may be entitled to 15hrs funded
(d) Working families of 9mth-2 year olds may be entitled to 30 hrs funding (September 2024)
30 hours entitlement
Some families may be eligible for an additional 15 hours of free entitlement. Space permitting, we aim to accommodate this additional free entitlement in our standard sessions 9am-3pm with a £10 consumable charge for lunch and lunch time supervision. Broadly speaking, families will be eligible for this additional FE if both parents are working +16 hours per week. Please see www.gov.uk to find out more or to apply.
If you require hours outside of the scheduled 9am-3pm for your 3 year old, a wraparound charge is available so you can drop off and pick up at a time that suits you and your family.
Please contact us for an estimate of cost.
Sessions Available