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Family handbook


A Parent's Journey...


We value and understand how important it is for parents to choose the best nursery for their child. We also understand that It can be both a daunting and anxious time for new parents as they take the first steps to either return to work or fulfil other commitments. The thought of leaving your baby with someone you don't know in an environment you equally don't know or have any expertise in choosing can be a very stressful time. At the Yellow Door our staff and procedures are built around this understanding and we support all parents who make their initial inquiries into the type of care we can offer them as well as their child.


We hope that your exploration of our website will alleviate your concerns, anxieties and questions that are circulating in your mind, but in a further attempt to put you at ease please read the recent and ongoing journey's of some of our current parents.  These reflections are based on real life experiences and feelings from parents who were once in a similar position to you.  

Please also have a look at the short support video from The Family and childcare trust which gives you a good idea of what to look out for in a good child centred setting, and important things to consider when choosing this important first stage on your child’s learning journey.

There is support at the Yellow Door... and it starts from the first contact you make with us and grows beyond the time you leave.

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