Our Principles
Everything we do at The Yellow Door Day Nursery must be for the benefit of the child... If it doesn't have a direct impact, then it is not worthy of our curriculum. We believe that all aspects of the child should be nurtured creating a strong sense of belonging, in the knowledge that they are a valued member of our community. We see the whole child- the mind, body and spirit...
Our Curriculum

The Yellow Door Nursery is a fresh approach to childcare, by focusing our provision in a child centred approach rather than an adult approach. Our curriculum is directed by the children's interests and experiences - giving our children the confidence and skills to explore, follow their own ideas, test their own theories and branch out in confidence ready for the next steps in their own journey of education.
We respect and value childhood at the Yellow door Tameside. Our pedagogy is built on a passion for the wonder and magic of early childhood. We believe children have the right to be collaborators in their learning - they have the right to learn and develop at their own pace in an environment that is both stimulating and exciting, and this is exactly what we do at the Yellow Door Nursery Godley Hyde.
The Yellow Door Educators are skilful in providing exciting child-led provocations
We explore and share diverse pedagogical practices and experiences.
Our team are intrinsically motivated to develop their own learning and skills, which in turn benefits the children within their care.
Children at the Yellow Door Day nursery recognise their responsibilities as active community members, raising funds for the Yellow Door nominated charities.

Our Children
Our children continue to surprise, amaze and humble us every day…
We believe in teaching a can do attitude, whether that be using a knife and fork successfully or carrying buckets of water to test out the ramp that you have created with two like minded friends. We value and nurture every child individually and offer consistent support to all parents in their journey from initial inquiry to the primary school gates.
We work within the pedagogy that children are the most important members of The Yellow Door Day Nursery - we review and evaluate our practice through the eyes of a child. We take every opportunity through play, conversations, team work, peer on peer tasks and special events to encourage the development of children’s confidence and independence alongside care and respect for others. We welcome and value all children at The Yellow Door, irrespective of their ability, religion, race, gender or cultural heritage, and encourage them all to fulfil their potential physically, mentally, academically and socially.
Reggio Inspired
We are heavily influenced by the Reggio approach, a branch of early years education and thought originating from the northern town of Reggio Emilia. An area which has an established worldwide reputation for forward thinking and excellence in its approach to early childhood education.
As the Reggio approach has evolved over forty years we could not replicate all its achievements, as it is a way of life and thought rather than textbook theory. Here at The Yellow Door Day Nursery we use the philosophy of the Reggio approach to underpin and complement the EYFS.
If you are new to the EYFS, please find below a link to the ‘What to expect when guide…’
At The Yellow Door Day nursery we specialise in creating moments, experiences and spaces for our children to connect with the natural environment. We believe nature and sustainability teaches interconnectedness, and a child’s sense that they are part of and dependent on something greater than themselves.
Embedded in our services are sustainable and environmentally focused concepts such as the bellow.

Diet and Nutrition
Our in house cook provides a nutritionally balanced menu prepared on our premises each day. We love the aromas coming from the kitchen- Italy on a monday, Morocco on a tuesday- the world is our oyster…’
Children at The Yellow Door Day Nursery are provided with breakfast, brunch, lunch, wake up snack and tea. We operate a ‘grazing’ style menu with food/snack served every two hours so no one goes hungry!
Healthy, Fresh & Local.

Natural Play Spaces
Throughout the yellow door day nursery many natural elements are incorporated into the play spaces. We think nothing of reclaiming a log and creating our very own pirate ship!
Natural elements that can be found in our Reggio nursery range from up cycled timber furniture and recycled tree logs, right through to wooden number tree slices and pine cones being utilised in imaginary play.

Connecting with nature
At The Yellow Door Day nursery we specialise in creating moments, experiences and spaces for our children to connect with the natural environment. We believe nature and sustainability teaches interconnectedness, and a child’s sense that they are part of and dependent on something greater than themselves.

Eco Status
At The Yellow Door, one of the most important sustainable practices we teach the children is how to minimise or re use waste.
In 2023 we were granted Eco Status and awarded a distinction in our efforts to teach our children to reduce, reuse and recycle.
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