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Nursery Life

We pride ourselves on the relationships that exist between our families and us. We consider ourselves to be ‘Your extended family’. Here at The Yellow Door Day Nursery we understand the importance of a close working partnerships with families, that is why our family works with your family to support your child to reach their full potential.


Why not book a visit to come along and meet us?


Nursery Design

The Yellow Door Day Nursery formerly St John's Church hall has been renovated into the only Reggio inspired early years learning centre within the North West for children aged from 0-5. 


An extensive two storey 3000sqtf building originally built in 1849 to serve as a community infant school for the area of Godley- stands proud on High street under the gaze of St John's Parish church.


An extensive outdoor area which runs the full length of the building gives children the opportunity to free flow and express themselves and their understanding -no matter what the weather is like.


We are a unique nursery where tradition and beauty meets innovation  and expertise. Expect to arrive to calm natural colours, soft textures and staff who make everyone welcome...a home from home learning experience.


Visitors to The Yellow Door Day Nursery instantly comment on, ‘the homely feel’, and admire how we create a calm yet busy learning environment where children are happy and succeeding.



We never step away from our belief that a child’s learning should be child centred and child driven- this is what we pride ourselves in...our nursery belongs to our children


Our Families

We pride ourselves on the relationships that exist between our families and us. We consider ourselves to be ‘Your extended family’, here at The Yellow Door Day Nursery we understand the importance of close working partnerships with families, that is why our family works with your family to support your child to reach their full potential.

Why not book a visit to come along and meet us?



Our children continue to surprise, amaze and humble us every day…

We believe in teaching a can do attitude, whether that be using a knife and fork successfully or carrying buckets of water to test out the ramp that you have created with two like minded friends.

We value and nurture every child individually and offer consistent support to all parents in their journey from initial inquiry to the primary school gates. 

We work within the pedagogy that children are the most important members of The Yellow Door Day Nursery- we review and evaluate our practice through the eyes of a child. We take every opportunity through play, conversations, team work, peer on peer tasks and special events to encourage the development of children’s confidence and independence alongside care and respect for others.  We welcome and value all children at The Yellow Door, irrespective of their ability, religion, race, gender or cultural heritage, and encourage them all to fulfil their potential physically, mentally, academically and socially.


The design and layout of The Yellow Door Day Nursery fully embraces the Danish tradition of Hygge in the early years.



Hygge is an approach to life that encompasses warmth,, simplicity and well-being into our everyday life.. The principles of Hygge can be spotted throughout the setting with soft lighting, natural resources and cosy corners dotted around to explore, learn and relax in. 



Keep an eye on our Instagram feed for all the lovely Hygge experiences that our practitioners set up for the children on a daily basis.

'Staff consistently value childrens' own thoughts and feelings'
The Yellow Door Nursery OFSTED 2022



Within the Reggio philosophy we are constantly reminded that Children are seen as architects of their own learning. As adults our job is to simply support and add all the play ingredients as the children make sense of the world around them! Success and true learning is measured in children having the ability to bring their own imagination, ideas and focus to the table. That is why a day at The Yellow Door can take you anywhere - one minute we are feeding the dinosaurs strawberries and the next we are building a rocket out of cardboard boxes!


Our curriculum and style of teaching is what true early years learning should look like... it shouldn't be restricted. Children should be in the ‘driving seat’ exploring and empowering. This is what our curriculum is based around - a child initiated play based program which stimulates children’s learning, exploration and social connections. 



Our staff give our children every opportunity to make choices and to risk assess their own choices and how their choices effect others - we believe it is this philosophy that will give children the ability to grow into confident children/teenagers/adults.


- Let them explore and make their own choices

- Let them take risks

- Let them use their imagination

- Let them be who they want to be

Our Rooms


Buttercups Room

Under 2's

This room is where the youngest members of our community spend their days learning and exploring. Developing good relationships is important at this stage of a babies development, as they learn to separate and move from home life to nursery life. 


Our dedicated baby area offers plenty of natural light, loose parts and access to open ended play resources. All of this is achieved whilst also giving the children a homely comfortable place to explore. 


Children will learn to become independent, resilient learners as they move between the indoor classroom and the outdoor classroom.  We use every part of the child's experience, including their environment to allow them to grow through curiosity and discovery.


Primrose Room

Children will move from the Buttercups room into the Primrose room when they are ready to develop their skills to the next stage. Within the Primrose Room the curriculum develops and broadens to encourage children to further their speech, language and understanding skills.


Within the Primrose Room we place great emphasis on meal times as social learning experiences. We use proper crockery, cutlery and tablecloths, which we feel are all essential ingredients in creating enriching experiences for children.


We recognise the importance of outdoor play and offer free flow to the outside area, where the children can ride trikes, scooters, climb, balance and jump in the muddiest of puddles and concoct a mixture in our mud kitchen.

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Sunflower Room

The Sunflower Room is our dedicated pre-school learning environment. Children can weigh, measure and fill in our designated wet play area. Loose parts and natural building materials are readily available for young learners to build and plan with, giving their experiences and play real meaning.


The Atelier space is a beautiful area of the pre-school room where children can express themselves through multiple mediums with different tools and materials creating playful, inquisitive, independent work for the children.


Working in pairs, groups or individually- opting for a true child led activity. This is when children can really explore the qualities of materials and all the possibilities, coming up with many incredible ideas. 

The Atelier

A key aspect of the Reggio influence is the Atelier space - a space where we come together to allow the children to explore the multiple ways in which they learn (the 100 languages of the child).


The Atelier area is purposely left as a large open space where creation, exploration and experimentation, challenge and play happens. Children are given the space and the materials to build relationships, develop creative intelligence and foster a sense of curiosity and joy.


Whether we are moulding with clay, experimenting with  tools, taking pleasure in paint. The Atelier area is where the 100 languages of the child is heard... and where we are educators listen and respond.

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